Facts To Make You Think Twice About the Importance of Skin Health

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and one of the biggest concerns people have as many struggles with skin health. Here are five facts to make you think twice about the importance of skin health to help you understand your skin – and why it needs love.

1. Sun and Skin Health

Sunscreen is for more than just times when you soak up the sun on the beach. It would be best if you considered using sunscreen every day. Your skin has a love/hate relationship with UV light. We need sunlight for Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones, but we can do without the UV light that burns melanin. Melanin protects your skin against UV damage, but the longer you spend exposed to the sun, the less effective melanin becomes. This all leads to dull, lifeless, aged-looking skin.

2. You Might Only Need One Product

Everyone has fallen into the trap that they need specialized products for everything. We’ve all spent too much money and not ended up with the flawless skin the commercials promised.

The fact is that skin thickness changes across your whole body. The skin on your eyelids is different from the skin on your feet. However, all skin is essentially the same in that the right product suits all skin. What you put on your skin is essential, but what you put in your body – the nutritional content of your diet – means more.

3. Skin is a Thermostat Of a Sort

Your skin is an integral part of the immune system. Skin also works as a natural thermostat through the process of thermoregulation. The process is when your body regulates its internal temperature against exterior influences such as hot or cold weather. Temperature regulation is a crucial human survival instinct. We perform our best with a core temperature of 37C/98.6F. Your skin expands and contracts blood vessels to help regulate temperature, so keeping your skin healthy is essential to overall health.

4. Stressed Skin

Mental health and physical health go hand-in-hand, particularly where the skin is involved. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue show on your skin health.

Stress in particular causes cortisol production. Cortisol causes sebum overloads and can cause acne and other skin conditions. Stress also impacts the immune system and causes hives and rashes. Your body also produces less collagen, which it needs for skin health when you get stressed.

5. Your Skin Loves Sleep

A lack of sleep leads to under-eye bags, red eyes, hanging eyelids, inflammation, wrinkles, and more. Sleep directly affects your body as a whole, including the skin. Rest is integral because it’s when your body stops everything and repairs itself. As far as your skin is concerned, sleep is when your skin replenishes collagen levels, reverses UV damage, and fights the signs of aging. Your skin is the one time when you don’t lose the more you snooze.


Pippa Ashton
Pippa Ashton

I'm a fully qualified Beautician and a practitioner of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures. Having worked in the beauty industry since 2011 I have gained a lot of experience and gone on to become a published expert in a wide range of matters concerning health, beauty and nutrition.

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